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Kids Blowing Bubbles


A Fun and Dynamic Learning Experience

Please see below for all of the information you as a parent need to know!

Mission Statement


Tune Town Childcare Centre is dedicated to providing high quality care that fosters development and learning. Our program is enhanced with a musical curriculum that creates a love for music and creative expression.




We recognize that children under five are growing and learning at a rate faster than any other time in their life. Children of this age group need care and attention within a nurturing and safe environment, where they can be free to choose activities that support their development and learning.


We believe in quality child care programming. Our staff, our centre and our curriculum are organized to reflect what research has taught us about how children thrive in child care settings. We draw from a variety of theories, historical and new, in order to develop a program suited to children's individual developmental needs.


We are child-centered. We believe that every child is unique, and that there is no "right" way to care for every child. Children learn in their own way, at their own pace, and we strive to support their learning in a way that works for them. We strive to be inclusive, adapting our program as much as possible for every child's unique physical, developmental, educational, and spiritual needs. We believe in nurturing the whole child, and attempt to support all levels of their being.


We take a strength-based approach, which means that we look to the child to see what he or she does well, and what he or she is personally interested in, We then build on these strengths to develop further skills.


We also operate under a family-centered approach. We believe that child care is a service that must support both the child and the family. Each family is unique and we strive to honour the diversity of the children in our care.


Tune Town Childcare Centre is dedicated to teaching key virtues: respect, kindness, friendliness, compassion, understanding, patience, acceptance, forgiveness, tolerance, courage, determination, truthfulness, honesty, appreciation, etc. We believe that child development offers countless teachable moments where children can be directed towards an understanding of these virtues and their way they are used in everyday life.




Early Childhood Music Education


Music is a natural and important part of young children's growth and development. Early interaction with music positively affects the quality of all children's lives. Successful experiences in music help all children bond emotionally and intellectually with others through creative expression in song, rhythmic movement, and listening experiences. Music in early childhood creates a foundation upon which future music learning is built. These experiences should be integrated within the daily routine and play of children. In this way, enduring attitudes regarding the joy of music making and sharing are developed.


Our musical curriculum involves a developmentally appropriate program of singing, moving, listening, creating, playing instruments, and responding to visual and verbal representations of sound. The content is developed to represent music of various cultures in time and place. Time is made available during the day for activities in which music is the primary focus of attention for its own value. Music also serves as a means for teachers to facilitate the accomplishment of non-musical goals.


Musical experiences are play-based and planned for various types of learning opportunities such as one-on-one, choice time, integration with other areas of curriculum, and large group music focus. Our Staff is committed to working in partnership with parents and caregivers to support musical experiences at home.


Tune Town Childcare Centre believes:


All children have musical potential. Every child has the potential for successful, meaningful interactions with music. The development of this potential, through numerous encounters with a wide variety of music and abundant opportunities to participate regularly in developmentally appropriate music activities, is the right of every young child.


Children bring their own unique interest and abilities to the music learning environment. Each child will take away that bit of knowledge and skill that he or she is uniquely capable of understanding and developing. Children must be left, as much as possible, in control of their own learning. They should be provided with a rich environment that offers many possible routes for them to explore as they grow in awareness and curiosity about music.


Very young children are capable of developing critical thinking skills through musical ideas. Children use thinking skills when making musical judgments and choices.


Children come to early childhood music experiences from diverse backgrounds. Their home languages and cultures are to be valued and seen as attributes that enrich everyone in the learning environment.


Children should not be encumbered with the need to meet performance goals. Opportunities should be available for children to develop accurate singing, rhythmic responses to music, and performance skills on instruments. Each child's attainment of a predetermined performance level, however, is neither essential nor appropriate.



Children's play is their work. Children should have opportunities for individual music play, such as in a "music corner", as well as for group musical play, such as singing games. Children learn within a playful environment. Play provides a safe place to try on the roles of others, to fantasize, and to explore new ideas. Children's play involves imitation and improvisation.


Children learn best in pleasant physical and social environments. Music learning contexts will be most effective when they include (1) play, (2) games, (3) conversations, (40 Pictorial imagination, (5) stories, (6) shared reflections on life events and family activities, and (7) personal and group involvement in social tasks. Dominant use of drill-type activities and exercises and worksheet tasks will not provide the kind of active, manipulative, and creative musical environment essential to the development of young minds.


Diverse learning environments are needed to serve the developmental needs of many individual children. Children interact with musical materials in their own way based on their unique experiences and developmental stages. One child may display sophistication and confidence in creating songs in response to dolls. Another child, in the same setting, may move the dolls around without uttering a sound - but this "silent participator" leaves the area content in having shared the music play. The silent participator often is later heard playing in another area softly singing to a different set of dolls - demonstrating a delayed response.


Children need effective adult models. Parents and teachers who provide music in their child's life are creating the most powerful route to the child's successful involvement in the arts.


Hours of Operation


The Centre opens at 7:00 am and closes at 5:30 pm. Parents are required to be at the centre no that than 5:20 pm to allow parents to gather their children belongings and sign out on time; this also allows our staff to be out of the centre and be on their way home on time. IT is strongly recommended that a child spend no more than 9 hours per day in the centre. We will be closed for all statutory holidays and a seasonal break between Christmas and New Year's Day. We will close for the holiday season at noon on December 23rd. Exact dates of closure will be posted early in the fall. If you are for some reason unable to arrive by 9:30 am, please phone and let us know so that we can adjust the lessons accordingly. We try our best to ensure that each child gets the full benefit of these learning activities. .


Our curriculum-based activities, such as keyboard classes and circle time, begin at 9:30 am. If you are for some reason unable to arrive by 9:30 am, your child may be unable to join in the ongoing activities or your may be your responsible for your child's care should the activity be off-site.


Please be prompt when picking up your child from daycare.



Things to Leave at the Centre


Please ensure that your child has the following items at the centre:


     *2 change of clothes

     *Blanket, crib sheet, and cuddly toy if needed

     *Waterproof jackets, rain pants, and rubber boots

     *Warm coat (with hood and hat), mittens, and gloves

     *Pair of indoor crocs

     *One box of tissue. Teachers will send a note when a new one is required

     *Returned earthquake kits

     *Diapers / wipes

     *Non-drip sipper cup or water bottle for water


Please label your child's name on all belongings with a permanent marker.


We ask that you send your child in comfortable, washable clothing, as we get very busy and messy while exploring our environment.




We have plenty of parking at the front of our building. Please use a U shape parking style like you would on a cul-de-sac.


Gradual Entry


Our facility encourages parents / guardians to support their child's transition into the centre. Parents are asked to talk to their children at home in order to prepare them for their entry into the facility. It is extremely helpful if a parent and child spend time together at the centre for a short visit before the first day. A gradual entry schedule will be arranged by management.


Parents are invited to spend some time with their children before saying goodbye. Once a parent has decided to leave, it is helpful; if they make the goodbye as quick as possible and trust one of the educators to help the child feel comfortable in the centre if necessary.


Daily Arrival and Departure


It is the parent' / guardian's responsibility to sign their child in and out of the centre each day. This is necessary for the safety of the children, for accountability and emergency situations.


Children will only be released to parents, guardians, and other individuals that the parents have previously listed on the "Release of a Child Consent and Registration Form". If a staff member does not recognize a person trying to pick up a child, the person will be asked for identification.



Unexpected alternative pick-ups must be pre-arranged by the parents and staff members. The alternative pick-up person will have to provide identification. Tune Town Childcare Centre will not release a child without written consent from the parent or guardian.


If a parent or guardian arrives intoxicated, staff members will follow this procedure:


1. Offer to call a relative of friend to pick up the parent and the child.

2. Offer to call a taxi.

3. Inform the parent that if he / she chooses to leave in the car with or without the child, staff members will call the police.

4. Call the Ministry of Children and Family Development if the staff members feel that the child might be in need of protection.


Tuition and Other Policies


Please provide 12 post-dated cheques for tuition, payable to Tune Town Childcare Centre, which will be deposited on the first day of each month. Be advised that the monthly fees include music classes by professional instructors twice weekly. a late payment fee of $5.00 per day will apply on all late payments.


NSF fee of $25.00 will apply to all returned cheques.


If a child is not going to be attending the facility due to vacation or because a parent is able to stay home, the parent / guardian must continue to pay the fees in order to secure the space.


All government subsidy programs are welcome. Please ensure that all the subsidy forms are filled out prior to registration since the process may take up to 2 months before payments are issued. Please note; if you are a recipient of a child care subsidy, the outstanding difference between the subsidy amount and the amount of our fees must be paid on the first day of each month.


Fees might be increased every September in order to give our staff well deserved raises. This will be passed on to all parents well in advance of any increases.


A registration fee of $100 is required upon registration in order to hold the space. This amount is credited to the child's first month of child care. If a parent / guardian applies for child care subsidy then this amount is credited once subsidy is approved.


A parent / guardian must give 5 weeks written notice to remove their child from the centre. Notice must be given on or before the 21st day of the month. If less notice is given, the parent / guardian will be responsible to pay the fee for the following month Ex: notice given on June 20th - child's last day of care is July 31st. If notice is given on Jun 23rd, then last day of care is Aug 31st. If you choose to leave on or before the last day of the month, you are still required to pay for the full month as we have ongoing operating costs.  There will be no exception to this policy.


The facility must provide a parent / guardian with at least a one month's notice if it is no longer able to provide care for the child. Less time maybe given if it is due to aggression or behaviour management.


If a child is sick and unable to attend the facility, the parent / guardian will receive no refund payment, as payments are arranged by a standard monthly fee.


If a caregiver is sick and unable to provide care to a child, the facility will arrange for qualified substitute care.


In order to maintain a child care space, the full fees must be paid for any period of time in which children are away for the centre, including vacation, statutory holidays, sickness or other absences / emergencies. No refunds will be given for these absences.



Late Pick-up Policy


Please pick up your child in a timely fashion. It is our recommendation that a parent / guardian drops off and picks up his / her child directly before and after their working hours.


Children must be picked up no later than 5:30 pm. After 5:30 pm, a $15 fee will be applied. If the parent / guardian is more than 15 minutes late, a $30 fee will be applied. This is fee is to be paid directly to the educator upon arrival. If the child has not been picked up by 6:00 pm, individuals listed on the emergency contact form will be called. If no one can be contacted, the Ministry for Children and Family Development might be called. As such, it is extremely important that you stay in contact with the centre if any type of emergency prevents you from picking up on time.


Custody Orders


For the protection of the children, if you have a custody order in place regarding your child, you are required to provide a copy of such order to Tune Town's manager.


We understand that some children may be shared between two houses and families; we feel it is not in the best interest of the children to have to do two art projects. We would suggest that parents check the art folders at the end of each day and take what is in there.


Nap / Rest Time


There is a rest time that occurs once every afternoon. Children who do not sleep will rest for a short period of time and then be provided with a quiet activity. While resting, the children will listen to stories or music.



Play Items from Home


Children are asked to keep all their own play items at home, as these could get lost or cause conflict amongst children.


Things to check daily


     *Parent Boards - these are set up in the cubby area and will have upcoming events and issues you should know about.

     *Art files - we place your child's art in their art cubby and these can fill up quickly, so please check it regularly.

     *Children's cubbies - please make sure they have spare clothes, and remove all or any paperwork from them.


Parent Participation


Parents may be invited to attend events during the year in order to allow time to:


     *Discuss policies and issues of concern to parents

     *See or hear displays of the children's works


We believe that the more parents communicate with the senior staff or management, the more we are able to work together with you to ensure excellent care for your child.




Birthdays are celebrated at Tune Town Childcare Centre. Cards, a crown, and a birthday song will be shared with the child. Parents / guardians are welcome to bring cupcakes, cookies and / or muffins to add to the celebration if desired.  Tune Town Childcare Centre is also happy to provide a special snack.


Part of our philosophy is to be as culturally inclusive as possible. We believe that it is important for children and families to share their culture and traditions with people around them so that we may all learn to appreciate to diversity of our peers. If your family has traditions that you would like to share, we encourage you to speak to one of the staff to make arrangements.


Snow Days


Just a quick reminder to parents that if our School District (#62) closes and dismisses their students early due to snow, then  will as well. The same will apply if buses are cancelled for the day.


Please listen to CFAX 1070 for up-to-date info.



Emergency Closures


In the event of an unplanned closure at Tune Town Childcare Centre due to reasons beyond our control, including but not limited to snow days, earthquakes, fire, floods, health emergencies or long power outages, you will be contacted in order to pick up your child immediately. If the situation is longer than a day, you will be notified by staff in order to plan a suitable option.


Emergency Preparedness


Then Centre is fully equipped with all the required emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers, first aid kits and earthquake kits. All staff members are certified in first aid. Staff is required to conduct routine fire drills.


Field Trips


Occasional field trips will be scheduled, as it is our belief that exploring and visiting parts of our community are an essential part of personal growth and development. Parents / guardians will be notified of all field trips. Children will be allowed to attend only when the parent s / guardians have signed the pre-authorization field trip form.  We travel to and from these field trips by foot or trolley.


Health Policies


There are many factors involved in ensuring a child's optimum growth and development; good health is a particularly important one. Children who are ill require a relaxed atmosphere and more individual attention that the centre cannot provide.


When choosing group care, parents must realize that they will be restricted in the use of the daycare if their child is sick. In a daycare centre, illnesses travel fast, so please consider other children and families in care when your child is sick. If your child is sick or not feeling well, please refrain from bringing him / her to daycare until they are well again. Keep in mind the children attending are expected to participate in a variety of play experiences.


It is understood that keeping a sick child home can mean that a parent might miss valuable work hours. Please consider what your options are for alternate care if it is difficult for you to leave your work.


A daycare medication form will be provided in which written authorization must be given by a parent, giving the educators permission and necessary information to administer any medication. Educators will only administer the medication of this form is filled out completely and precisely. An educator will insist that you get your physician's approval:


     *If you wish the dosage to be given to your child be different that the one indicated on the package; or


    *If there is a concern about the number of consecutive days and times your child receives a particular medication.

If your child carries and epi-pen or an inhaler, the manager must be informed at the time of registration and a care plan must be in place. If your child requires medication, then staff must be informed upon arrival at the centre. The form stated above will be given to you to fill out. We require all medication to be in its original bottle with a prescription label affixed to it. Homeopathic medicines must also have a prescription label or be brought with a copy of the prescription to be kept on file. The staff will keep a daily running record dosages administered and other pertinent information.


We must ensure that all precautions are taken with the children in our care.


If your child becomes ill during the day, we will contact either parent right away. The child is required to be picked up within an hour. If we cannot reach you, the alternate person(s) on the registration form will be contacted to ensure that your child gets prompt, appropriate medical attention.


Staffs have the right to refuse admission to a child who appears to be too ill to attend daycare. If your child cannot participate in our daily program, i.e. outside play, group activities, etc. then he / she is not permitted at daycare. We ask you to respect staff discretion when asked to pick up your child due to illness. Our concern is to provide a healthy and safe environment for all children to enjoy.


Conditions for Children to be excluded from Daycare


Be advised that these criteria may differ in some respects from your physician's opinion, primarily because these criteria are designed for children participating in group care. Please respect the centre's policy.


Please contact staff ASAP to report any contagious illness your child may have.


     *Acute Cold - contagious with obvious discharge of thick mucus. Return when discharge has stopped.


     *Persistent or chronic cough - Child may return when coughing has stopped.


     *Fever - May return when fever has remained at 37C for 24 hours without the aid of medication and the child has not developed a secondary infection.


     *Vomiting - Return after 48 hours of last bout of sickness.


     *Diarrhea - Must be symptoms free for 48 hours, i.e. normal bowel movement.


     *Antibiotics - Return After 24 hours since first taken to ensure that the child is responding to treatment without adverse effect.


     *Infected skin or eyes - A doctor must examine undiagnosed skin irritation, and medical clearance for return must be obtained. Conjunctivitis (pink eye) is very contagious and must be treated and eyes cleared and symptom free before the child may return.


     *Ear Infection - Ear infection are potentially infectious and can lead to hearing loss. We require children to see a doctor for direction, and that children stay home for a minimum of 24 hrs with or without antibiotic medication. This allows for the children to be monitored and assessed. Children may return when symptoms such as fever and ear tugging have stopped.


     *Lice - Child may return once the child has been treated with an effective treatment and all lice and nits have been combed or picked out of hair. Follow up shampooing must be administered to complete treatment.


     *Communicable Diseases - Communicable diseases like chicken pox and measles must be reported to the daycare centre staff as soon as they are diagnosed. The duration of the child's treatment and exclusion from daycare will depend on VIHA's Communicable Disease department's recommendations, which staff will be able to provide.


     *Rashes / Open Sores or Wounds - These must be checked out by a medical doctor soonest in order to prevent spread of infections. Please contact the Centre manager with the doctor's results, as every situation is different; this could include Fifth Disease or Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.


     *Vaccinations - All children must remain at home under parental care for at least 24 hours after any vaccinations to ensure that the child does not experience any adverse effects to the vaccine.


Lunches / Snacks


Please provide a daily lunch of 3 items and 2 healthy snacks. Remember that your children are very active throughout the day. We ask that you do not send juice, potato chips, gum or candy.


Tune Town is an environmentally friendly facility. We ask that you use re-sealable containers rather than heavily packaged items. Non-biodegradable items such as plastic wraps, yogurt containers, etc. might be returned to you for disposal.


Lunches will be refrigerated in the Centre's fridges at all times. We have a microwave and are happy to warm meals as required.


Any leftover lunch items will be left in the child's lunch box so that you are able to keep track of what your child is eating.


Need snacks / lunches ideas??? Please see one of our staff for ideas.


Guidance Methods


At Tune Town Childcare Centre, all staff members work on the belief that children are unique individuals who are continually learning through their interactions with others and with their environment. As children grow, it is normal for them to try a variety of behaviours in order to learn acceptable ways of interacting with the world around them. It is believed that quality child care uses a variety of methods to assist children to choose socially acceptable behaviours over unacceptable ones. All our children are treated with respect at the centre and in return we expect them to treat others with respect. If a conflict occurs, older children are encouraged to problem solve among themselves, whereas the younger children will be helped with adult guided problem solving guidance. We use lots of re-direction when dealing with negative behaviour and "time-away" is used when a child is showing signs of potential hurting someone, hurting themselves or damaging toys.




The physical environment is set to encourage desirable behaviours and minimize conflict. Through observations, staff members are continually aware of children's interactions within the setting, and they modify the environment as necessary to promote positive behaviours.




A daily schedule is kept so that the children know what to expect each day. The daily routine includes a balance between indoor and outdoor time, quiet and active play, and structured and unstructured activities.




Staff members demonstrate respect, caring, cooperation, compassion, understanding and kindness in their everyday interactions with children and with each other. It is believed that children learn first and foremost from others around them, and that it is an adult's responsibility to model desirable behaviours so that children may learn from them.


Positive Reinforcement


Children are acknowledged for behaving in ways that are helpful, kind, considerate, respectful, etc. It is believed that if children are shown appreciation for making choices that benefit others, they are more likely to repeat these actions. We use positive reinforcement because we believe that the formation of a child's identity is impacted by positive feedbacks from those around them.




Children are provided with a variety of play items to choose from so that they may learn to make decisions, be self-directive, and make discoveries in their own, unique ways. When appropriate, children are given choices within imposed limits, i.e. "would you like to put the blocks away or the dress up toys?"


Limit Setting


When necessary, staff members explain limits to children so that they may learn reasons or rational for these limits, i.e. "it is unsafe to stand on a chair; you might fall." Limits are presented in a way that is easy for them to understand, and that reinforces appropriate alternatives i.e. "inside, we walk.




When a child is in error, staff members state clearly what is expected i.e. "You may not hit Johnny. Use your words to ask for what you want." Limits are clear, simple and consistent. Children are not allowed to hurt themselves or others; children are not allowed to engage in unsafe activities.


A staff member may restrain a child only if he / she presents a physical danger either to himself / herself or peers; such restraint will protect the child until the feels once again that he / she is in control of himself / herself.


Logical and Natural Consequences


Children will be aware of the natural and logical consequences of their actions i.e. "If you cannot keep the sand inside the table, then you will have to choose something else to do."


Conflict Resolution


When conflicts arise, we use a conflict resolution method that involves the children in the process of resolving their issues. This method encourages the child to express his / her feelings, discuss the problem and brainstorm solutions.




This is a strategy that our staff members use which changes the circumstances that are causing unwanted behaviour. Children's behaviour is their way of expressing their needs; therefore, at our centre, we see it as our responsibility to re-direct them to activities that will better fulfill their needs.




The staff at Tune Town Childcare Centre work closely with the Queen Alexandra Centre for Children Health to try to include all children whatever their level of ability may be. All children will be treated equally, never isolated, and all activities will be altered to accommodate all ability levels when and if necessary. Whether the extra support needs are physical, mental, emotional, behavioural or dietary, severe or mild. We strive for inclusion and integration with all children 0 to 5 years old. When children with extra support needs to register in our program, , Tune Town will think carefully about whether or not the centre can safely care for the child as well as other children in care at the same time. If we are able to accept your child in our program, there will need to be a written plan in place in consultation with and agreed to by the parents of the child.


We will:


     1. Gather information about the child, their needs, and abilities.


     2. Consider what accommodations, extra staffing, training and new procedures that might be required.


     3. Consider the effect the individual may have on our programs.


     4. Decide whether or not our centre is able to provide safe and effective care.


     5. Create a written plan to care for the individual and include back up plan or alternatives if the plan needs to be revised.


     6. Implement the plan and ensure it is successful. Revise and make changes as necessary every 6 months.


Tune Town Childcare Centre does not discriminate against a person or class of persons regarding any accommodation or services because of their race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital and family status, physical or mental disability, and sex or sexual orientation.


Tune Town Childcare Centre cannot always guarantee the placement of the children with extra support needs. We will however, strive to accommodate as many Supported Child Care workers; it is the sole responsibility of the parents to arrange the contract with Supported Child Development through the Queen Alexandra Centre for Children's Health. This process must be in place a minimum of 1 month prior to the child's enrollment in the program. When this has been completed and we have signed a contract with QA, we will then hire and inclusion worker. The child will not be able to attend the program until a worker has been hired. Ages and stages questionnaires will be completed at 6 month intervals on all children by the educators and parents.


Under no circumstances will physical punishment ever be used.

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